Haven't blogged for quite a while, there's been a lot going on.
Start of November we were joined by Mum and Dad, Matt and Marianne, and Macleod and headed off to Blois for mother-in-law's "wedding party". It was quite a lot more fun than we expected! Was a pretty tiring weekend though!
Then Hubby forgot my birthday.
Since then:
We had dinner round at Sophie and Olivier's. As usual, was lovely to see them and they entertained us with their holiday photos which are pretty amazing. Anthony and Stéphanie were there too and that was nice.
I did management training at work. Nice to have two days off :) And the course content was quite interesting too. Hopefully I'll maintain my current level of good will to put some of the stuff we covered into action.
My shiny new toy has arrived. Am using it right now. Like very much :)
Yesterday we did the wine fair. No Mum and Dad this year which is a big shame. But they sent us a shopping list and we went with Stéphan, Hélène, and Jean-Charles. And despite me having said that we were not going to buy any posh wine that you have to keep for ages before drinking, Hubby went and bought posh wine you have to keep for ages before drinking. !!
Hubby decided he was proper fed up at work and was going to look for another job. And then decided that maybe he'll stick around a bit longer because maybe things might improve. That rather deflated my balloon of hope that maybe we could find him a job in Scotland and escape...
Mum and Dad brought our John Lewis wedding gifts with them. That was fun. All our presents are lovely. Thank you everyone!
Doggy is full of beans. Her coat is starting to grow back over her leg but still seems very thin on her tummy. Fortunately the weather has been ridiculously mild so far. Well, fortunately for her but not really for all the beasties and birdies, and flowers, who will all get a big shock when it eventually turns cold.
And that's all I can remember for now.