
Sunday, 8 February 2009

I was hoping that you'd know better than that

Given that a match in rugby union lasts 80 minutes, it was a great pity that Scotland only began to play in about the 72nd minute against Wales this afternoon. You'll have noticed also that the player who scored 8 out of our (rather pathetic) total of 13, and who nearly scored a try in both halves, was.... Yes that's right, Chris Paterson. Frank Hadden, pay attention: Chris Paterson to be given total ownership of number 10 jersey and to start every game. Got it? And while you're at it, get Thom Evans on the starting list and well.

I think also we were missing Nathan Hines on the second row... didn't see much of Ally Hogg either.

Still, all credit to Wales. Even if Scotland were making silly mistakes all over the place.


Tim Allen said...

I've got to agree. I don't know what Hadden has against Paterson, but excluding him meant that Wales had a huge advantage and they made the most of it.

The same happened last year. Paterson rarely started, but Scotland always did better when he was on the pitch. You think Hadden would learn. Some players are born internationals...

Lis of the North said...

Hey Tim. Well, better today. Perhaps our opponents weren't at the same level as Wales either!