
Sunday 2 November 2008

Something tells me...

... we'll be eating lots of soup here at Franco-British HQ!


Who needs a veggie box when you live next door to Jean-Pierre?! Which is handy, as they don't do veggie boxes in these parts.



Anonymous said...

Yum - looks delicious and very healthy. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, lucky you!

I had to pick my last green peppers last week, a day before the first snowfall...

Anonymous said...

I'm always trying to off load veggies on my friends. I have enough kale for the whole of England. Please let me know if you are in the Thames Valley and I'll give you some!

Anonymous said...

That looks so good and wholesome. Tip of the week*** Add some lardons for a yummy thick flavor!!

Lis of the North said...

Hi sally! I have so far only managed to make celeriac & spinach soup, which was yum. The rest is sitting in the larder but I need to get more soup made!
Zhu you have a veggie garden? We sort of tried this year, I had a few cherry tomatoes and celery. And of course our blackberries and raspberries. I saw your pics of the snow already!
Hi Susanna. Oh I would love to help you offload your kale. Alas I live in France. They don't do kale here. Oddly.
Sugar I will remember that. I have plans for a good old winter root veg mix; lardons should be just the thing. And some crusty bread.