
Tuesday 19 February 2008

Anxious fatty cyst woman

Yesterday I went to the Doc. Actually I saw the replacement Dockette, as Doc was on holiday. Is on holiday. Anyway. I went because I have a little lump at the top of my thigh. I already asked a doctor about it in December and he said "oh that's nothing, it'll go away all by itself". I duly forgot about it. Until the other day, when I noticed it was still there. So, being a slightly anxious type, I decided to see if it was still "nothing".

And it is still, "nothing" that is. A fatty cyst (ha ha, that could be me all over!). It will go away by itself. So while I was there I stocked up on the pills to make the thing in my head that's not right work properly. (I am doing very well, only take 1 or 2 a week.) Dockette not knowing my file, she asked a few background questions before handing out the prescription. What sets it off, how do I sleep, etc. Apparently I present textbook anxiety symptoms. Good to see I can get something right, I'm a textbook example!

She asked where I worked. "[Employer]," I replied. "Oh, right," said she. In a "that explains a lot" way. This isn't the first instance of a GP tsking like that when my employers are mentioned...

Ach, I dunno. I love what I do but I don't know why I'm doing it where I do any more. Is it time to move on? At the moment I'm seriously lacking in motivation. I feel like I've been in the same "place" in relation to my work/job content for the last year and a half at least. Sometimes I'd like to freewheel for a couple of days (you all know what I'm talking about), but that's not an option because if I don't do the stuff, no one else will (oh poor me!!). What I mean is, look at Hubby. If he's feeling demotivated, he might ease up the tempo a bit. So his work doesn't get done. At the end of the day, what are the consequences? His work doesn't get done. I feel like easing off and my work doesn't get done. It doesn't get done and maybe a product catalogue isn't printed in time and maybe the company misses out on customers and sales because of it. And maybe my employers will decide they can find someone else to do my job.

I'm feeling a bit all over the place. I don't know where to go from here. I'm fed up (can you tell?), tired, and feeling seriously under-valued (both financially and skills-wise) in my job.


Anonymous said...

What are the options where you live? Are there many other companies that you could work for? Are you translating? I can't remember ...

maybe you could try TEFL teaching? Stress free and fun!

Work is crap isn't it?

Jane said...

Oh, that's not good. Don't like not being about to give hugs and chocolate biscuits when needed. Hang in there, my lovely. Hope my virtual hugs and hobnobs will do in the meantime.


Ghosty said...

Just to put things in perspective, someone told me I was a textbook case once. Meaning I was like a textbook, square and a dry read. This does not seem to describe you in the least, Lis ... perhaps you could apply for your hubby's job? ;)

Anonymous said...

Sending you cyberhugs at this moment. TEFL is a great idea, but not sure you will be better off financially,or is something you can do where you are..

Lis of the North said...

Hello folks! Thanks for all your kind comments.

SG - Where I live, to do the job I do, I have to do it in the company I'm with now! Thing is I don't know whether I'm sick of the job or the company or what...

Hello Janie! I wish we lived closer together. I think I was just going through a particularly bad patch...

Ah Ghosty I'm sure you're not that much of a dry read ;) As for doing Hubby's job, it scores a negative on the job fulfilment scale. I'll steer clear!

sugar thank you! Hope things are looking more fun for you too, I saw you were feeling a bit ...flat. I already tried teaching and I had to quit. I was in an especially bad place in my head at the time and it was just a bad mix!

Helen! Nice of you to stop by ;) Hah! Recognition and gratitude don't figure anywhere in our HR policies. I *know* I'm being underpaid, but I can't do this job anywhere else without moving house! It's a hard time because Hubby is supposed to be finding a new job too. I think we're both jolly fed up in general, it'll probably (hopefully) pass... I have mentioned the Sweden idea to Hubby. He didn't rule it out!! xx