1. Wedding album. With our first anniversary just 11 days away, I have at last done our wedding album. Or one of them. There will be a second, because I couldn't fit in all the pics and there are lots that I want to put in an album instead of them being stuck in a box.
2. Sorting through some of the mountains of books in this house. Because I am constantly feeding my book addiction, the place is overflowing with printed matter. My book-loving hoarding personality has finally been won over by my more rational personality and I am clearing out a whole load of books that I know I'll never read again... To make way for more books (probably), hurray!
Which leads me nicely on to my bright idea. I can't throw the books away (am physically unable to I'm sure), and I can't give them to a charity shop (two drawbacks: they don't exist in France, and all my books are in English). So I'm putting them up for adoption via my blog.
So if you fancy a new (well, used) book, you can visit either LibraryThing or Bookcrossing. These are the books looking for a new home. Just email me (my email is lisofthenorth and it lives at gmail.com) and say which book you'd like and I'll send it you. On one condition. After you've read the book, pass it on to someone else, or give it to a charity shop. Or leave it on the train. Or whatever. Rule of baggsy applies (that means first come first served). Other books might also be available for adoption, but subject to negotiation.
Oh my God, loving you for this!! Expect my email soon. I am too excited for words!!
I keep seeing books being crossed in Prague. I saw a tramp pick up some knitting patterns once, I thought it would be so funny if he hadn't missed the point but actually had some use for it!
Incidentally, I think Oxfam bookshops are going from strength to strength over here.
Good work Lis, Jez would love this!
I don't know if this applies in France, but Edinburgh Libraries are always happy to receive donations, no matter what language they're in. At the moment we're especially glad to Polish books...(the language, not the stuff that makes your furniture shiny!). So maybe you could give that a thought if you have any left?
I love having aclear out like that. I hate to part with anything at the end, but you never know what hidden gems you might come across that you'd completely forgotten about! Happy hunting, Jane x x x
Oooh I love clearing out, too. I could spend days doing it!
Well done for donating your books.
www.freecycle.org is also a good way of getting rid of unwanted stuff, too - especially electrical items that you can't take to charity shops (or if there aren't any!).
BTW, when I was in France, I used to love coming back home and going bargain hunting in Oxfam etc! I really missed not having any charity shops to browse in.
ps Tried to leave a comment yesterday but it wouldn't work for some reason.
Sugar: expect a parcel soon!
Miss D: I would love to give my books away to charity shops. I know that Oxfam are planning to (or just have) open a bookstore in Lille (first in France!). But they want French books above all. I will try to fob some off to them ;)
Jane: I will have to remember that next time I'm home (prob. for my 30th eek birthday, you up for a drinkies?).
SG: I *love* the concept behind freecycle, it's so very clever and eco-friendly too. And there's even a group here!
want to swap a book for a purple table?
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